Here’s What Happens if Your AC Condenser Fails

May 15th, 2023

Your central air conditioner has to separate units that work together to cool your home. One of the units is inside, and the other one is outside. The outside portion of your unit is also called a condenser, because this is where heat and humidity get released during the cooling process.

And if you have condenser problems, it can be a major repair job. Your air conditioner may stop working completely, or it could continue running and caused damage to spread throughout the system. If you’re having problems with your air conditioning in Branchburg, NJ, give our team a call. You can also keep reading to learn more about why it is such a big deal if the AC on your condenser fails.

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5 Perks to Having a Maintained AC

May 1st, 2023

You’ve probably heard that annual AC maintenance is important. But what benefits do you actually get from keeping up with expert maintenance? You can keep reading to learn more about the five key benefits that AC maintenance offers when you invest annually over the life of your air conditioner.

Then, give our team a call for air conditioner maintenance in Bridgewater Township, NJ. If you didn’t schedule AC maintenance at the end of last summer, now is a great time to do so before the cooling season sets in and temperatures increase.

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Should You Fix or Replace Your Sink Plumbing?

April 17th, 2023

The plumbing in your house is among the most sturdy materials that you can find. However, even the best plumbing won’t last forever. And when you’re faced with plumbing problems, you may be deciding between repair or replacement.

This can be a difficult decision to make because you don’t want to overhaul anything completely if some of it is salvageable through repair. But there comes a time that you do need to replace your sink plumbing in Hillsborough Township, NJ. Our team is here to help you make that determination with our expert plumbing knowledge. Keep reading to learn more about when you may want to repair versus replace your sink plumbing.

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The True Cost of Skipping Maintenance

April 3rd, 2023

There’s no question about it: AC maintenance costs money. However, skipping out on air conditioner maintenance can cost you more than if you just made the investment and take care of your air conditioner as the years go on. You may not even realize that you’re spending more until it’s too late.

If you’re on the fence about air conditioning maintenance in Flemington, NJ, keep reading. We’re breaking down the expense of skipping out on AC maintenance so that you understand why the investment is so important for your air conditioner and your home. It’s definitely a decision that you won’t regret.

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The Caustic Concern With Chemical Drain Cleaners

March 20th, 2023

Chemical drain cleaners can prey on some of our innate sensibilities. They represent an easy solution to a difficult problem, and they come in colorful bottles that offer wild promises.

You might see one that says “clogs gone in 30 minutes” or something else that says “safer than other brands,” but the truth is that there is no evidence to back up any of these claims. Or rather, they’re selling points to get you to purchase a product that doesn’t work very well.

You’ve probably heard about how chemical drain cleaners don’t work, but what if we told you that they actually hurt your plumbing system and you?

These chemicals are a lot more insidious than they let on, and we’re here to help inform our customer base about some of the problems that might be lurking beneath the surface.

If you’ve got a clogged drain in Somerville, NJ, then do yourself a favor and avoid these chemicals at all costs.

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No, DIY Fixes Aren’t an Option

March 6th, 2023

Your heating system isn’t like any appliance in your home. If you try to fix your broken TV with a screwdriver and some electrical pliers, you might get stuck without television for a few weeks while you plan on purchasing a new one.

Going without TV isn’t the end of the world, especially when we have phones and computers that can basically take its place while we wait for a good replacement. But your heating system is not like this.

Going without heat is not an option when temperatures get extremely cold. Most of the time, being without heat means a family has to move to a hotel room or stay with a family friend while it gets repaired, since your spouse and kids still need to live their lives with some semblance of normality.

Today, we want to remind our valuable customers why heater service in Warren, NJ is still just as vital as it used to be, and why a DIY fix is just not an option for modern heating appliances.

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This One Free Trick Will Protect Your Furnace

February 20th, 2023

What’s the greatest enemy of our furnaces? No, we’re not talking about the chilly temperatures that seem to make us uncomfortable.

Nor is it the energy bill that tends to give us stress headaches and make us upset. The real foil, the villain in our furnace’s story, is neglect.

A neglected furnace is more likely to become unsafe, unhappy, and eventually break down prematurely.

So, would you believe us if we said that one of the best things you can do for your furnace is to pay attention to it? While furnace repairs in High Bridge, NJ are absolutely necessary in many cases, there are also things that homeowners can do at home–for free–that will play a major role in how long your system lasts.

Today, we’d like to highlight one important trick that can help you save money and time, avoid stress, and overall keep your home more comfortable. Keep reading to learn more!

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How a Geothermal System Works

February 6th, 2023

With the new SEER2 regulations and the Inflation Reduction Act starting to impact families all across the country, energy efficiency is now a dining room table discussion.

How can we save on energy costs and cut our carbon emissions without severely impacting our way of life? Well, technological advancements like heat pumps, ductless systems, and geothermal heating and cooling units are one of the best ways to make that change today.

Geothermal technology used to be a hyper-expensive heating and cooling system that was only available to the rich. Now that it’s been around for a while, it’s more accessible to normal families and people who just want to have proper heating and cooling without the high energy costs. It turns out that sourcing heat energy from the ground is both easy and cost-effective.

Today, we’ll show you how geothermal heating and cooling in Hampton, NJ will keep your home comfortable and efficient for years to come.

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Yes, Your Ducts Might Be the Problem

January 23rd, 2023

Have you ever been confounded by a technical problem with a computer, or perhaps your car, and you finally realized that it was just one pesky component that seemed to malfunction on a whim?

Perhaps you had a loose plug in your computer, or your car was missing a wheel bearing and the whole thing was wonky.

Well, this is why HVAC work is so technically precise: there are many intricate components in your heating system that all have to work together in order for things to function correctly.

One of those components is your air duct system. This is the pathway that all of the air created from your heating or cooling system must travel, and if it’s in bad shape, then you’re not going to be too happy with your home comfort.

You could have the best heating system in Hunterdon County, NJ, but without having ducts in good shape, you’ll be lucky to feel a fraction of that heat when it finally reaches the room you’re in.

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Why Invest in a Heat Pump?

January 9th, 2023

Have you ever marveled at the technology of a heat pump when watching a cool tech demo video online? You wouldn’t be the first person.

There’s a sort of admiration human beings have for new technology, especially technology that helps improve our lives, save energy, and even work to avert the climate crisis.

Heat pumps are one of those systems, like electric cars and smartphones, where we could see a lot more people using them in the coming few decades. They’re highly efficient, extremely effective at what they do, and there are a ton of incentives to by one right now.

The only problem you might encounter as a new customer is the fact that a heater installation in Hunterdon County, NJ, no matter what system it is, is going to require professional service.

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